The City

 In the future i would like to visit a lot of cities - if i can - almost the whole the world. It`s hard for me to choose just one but i think that nowdays the one i want to visit as soon as i can will be Tokyo. Located in the center/east of Japan. 
 I have wanted to go there since a couple of years ago. i do not know exactly what start my desiere, but i am actualy saving money for travel in the future nearby. Maybe one of the reasons is because i watch so anime that i get to the point to even wanted to live that space full of culture and tradition. 
 When i go there, the first thing that i would do is go trough the city and try to know it the best i can. i do not know how many i would go, but at least 15 days, trying to know the most parts it possible.
  Go to the monumets, to the temples, the shops and the MOST important thing, go to the anime stores and discover the anime culture in the city. 
 I think that the language would be an impediment, but i think that with the english and the lower japanese that i speak thanks to the anime i will survive.
 The person that i will love to go it would be my boyfriend. The japanese culture and the anime is one of the many things that we share together and one that we most enjoy. It would be a travel full of meaning and love. 

Me interesan mucho los países del lejano oriente.


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