FAU in strike

 Hey guys! Today i'm going to talk you about what i did last week. As all you can know the faculty were in strike two weks ago until last week  with the intencion of fight against the Estatal universities law. There were a lot of people against this strike but finally the strike catch up one of the goals. 
  Those days I came to help and participate of the activities since the first day. It was pretty fun. i pass the time with some friends from the workshop and i metra lot of great people.. 
  Whe did a lot of things apart of the activities that where on the program for the day like go to the market to get food for all the people. play the rol of the segurity so we where in Marcoleta's door watching who enter to the campus. In the guard post i think i past the most part of my time with my friends, we put some music for us and almost all the people 'cause we put a microfone on the spekers so all can hear it from the others speakers that where all acrose the place. Apart of being in Fau we went to the metro station or to the front entrance in portugal to deliver some flyers with information to the people that was passing by.
 Apart from all that, last monday was my Boyfriend's birthday so i spend the day with him getting late to luch with his family (what a embarrasing situation jaja) 

Resultado de imagen para protesta


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