
Hi there: 
   Today i want to talk you about one of the walks that i love to do. There  is actually two but i . One of them is when i go to Viña del Mar with my dad and my sibling. We stay at my grandmother's house. She looove walk for the hills of Viña or Valparaiso, specially at night. Since i was little, with her and my cousin went for a walk almost every day, we walk without destiny  sometimes, but almost always it was from Recreo's hill (not from the top but my grandma lives like from the middle up) to  the Salinas's beach. We walk between the streets of the hill, for the coast, etc. But is was always a looooog walk. I think about it now, i do not know how i did it. Nowdays, i still go for a walk with her, not so often like when i was i child, but we try to do it when we can. what i love about this walk in particular, is that i know Viña thaks to this walks. I love to see the people and what's around me. I remember that i have a great time with my grandma, she take us everywhere and not in a car or on a bus (well sometimes when is to far away we take the bus but this is not the case). You do not know a place going out in a car. if you really wanna know a place you have to walk, almost lost on it. 
   Now, when i go to see my grandma, the walks are not so longer like before, but now, as i am older, we go out at night, specially in summer and we go for the promenade on one side of Avenida España until Sheraton's hotel (some times whe get to the casino) and we come back home in taxi. I love the fact that we still do it, because is a special activity that i have with her. i remember some things from i was little. 
  Resultado de imagen de abuela y nietos


  1. Lovely post Valentina! I don't know Vina very well but I have great memories of exploring Valparaiso with some Chilean friend who used to study there.

  2. Ooow it´s so cute your post:) and viña is so cool in the night, is like a different air

  3. Really is so sweet your post (: I imagine you and your grandma and I loved <3 but I think the part more I love was when you said "almost lost on it", I understand this sooo much haha is the best form to known a place <3


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