Some Things About Me

Well... My Name is Valentina Urrea. I was born here in Chile in 1998, my mom is from here (Santiago) and my dad is from the south. I have one brother. named Pablo, he is 9 years old, and one sister named Martina, she is 11 years old. I love to listening to music and play the guitar (i also play the ukelele), i read a lot of books, watch series on netflix is the reason why i do not sleep. i also love take photographs. I REALLY LOVE CATS 💖😻 
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  1. Wow. We have a lot in common:) Ilove music, I play the guitar, I love cats, I read A LOT of book. Actually, I have 2 7 week old kittens: Goku & Aiko. I got them 3 weeks ago. My old cat (called Kat) died last year. He was 16 years old.


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